Thursday, September 27, 2007



I am just one of the 2400+ auto workers punching the time clock at General Motors Moraine Assembly plant. I am not unlike the majority of my coworkers. My Father worked for and retired from GM. My Grandfather worked for and retired from GM. While i began my GM career as a summer hire in the early 90's, i vowed to never follow in my ancestors footsteps. I was gonna go to college. I was going to get a degree and make something more of myself. I spent the entire summer of '91 cursing everything GM had to offer as i put in 50 + hour work weeks....and a few years later i walked into Moraine Assembly as a full time employee thinking i would be there 5 years max. Twelve years later i sit down in front of this blog looking back at the time that has flown past me....the job assignments, the contracts, the elections, the friendships, the psycho's, the schedule changes, the buyout...the decisions that have shaped not only our plant and our union but also, to a great degree, who i am today. I'm not the same kid i was back in '91. I have grown up. I have become my own person with my own family. I am ONE of 2400+ autoworkers at Moraine Assembly...but chances are I'm not a lot different than you.


I am not a disgruntled autoworker. While i am not happy with various aspects of our company and Union, i am not here to tear down either. While i do see great value in constructive criticism, i am not here to personally attack or ridicule any Union officer or member.

I am not an English major. While i strive to make this blog professional in appearance, i apologize in advance for any grammatical errors.

I am not anonymous. I am a real person. I have a real name. I am not hiding behind the 'Moraine Auto Worker' screen name. At this point i see no value in revealing my identity, but that is primarily because i doubt that many will ever even read this...and i already know my name. I do intend to reveal myself through my posts...not just my actual name but also a great deal of what i think and believe.

I am not afraid of criticism. I am opening this blog up to reader comments and i will allow anyone to post to this blog. Anyone may email me anything they wish to have posted on this blog and i will post it completely unedited....with obvious exceptions for vulgarities and other blatantly offensive posts. I intend this blog to become a sounding board of ideas from different perspectives, not just my own. Of course the majority of content is going to be coming from myself unless readers participate.

Why Do This

Simple question that really doesn't have a simple answer. I am not really sure why i am doing this to be honest. Basically, i have spent my entire career at GM in anonymity. I have kept my mouth closed and my ideas to myself. I'm tired of being quiet. I want to start a discussion. I want to air my thoughts and ideas and see how they measure up to others. I want to hear the ideas of others. I want to bring attention to issues that typically get swept under the carpet. We are at a critical juncture for both our Union and our company. If we don't speak up now, we may never be heard.