Sunday, November 18, 2007

Yet Another POLL

Taking it one step further....Do you believe that Moraine Assembly will receive a future product beyond our current model? AND Will you vote to approve a National Contract that DOESN'T include a concrete promise of future work??

Our future is on the line. Obviously a simple poll on a meaningless blog may not change anything...but it is a chance to say something about what you think and how you feel about our future. Feel free to vote on the poll as well as let your voice be heard via posting comments on this blog.

If we do not speak up now we may never be heard!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Corperation is already negotiating with salvage companies to sell the bulidng for scrap!becuase the price of scrap steel is up so high, with this being said anyone who believes simply voting no on a national agreement will bring a product or change our circumstances better look at the Dow Jones and the price of GM stock which is now only pennies more than a gallon of gas.