Friday, October 24, 2008
Fear Factor
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Everything You Ever Wished For, And Then Some...
Years from now, when i look back at my days at Moraine Assembly, this missed opportunity will continue to haunt me. I don't know what happened. I certainly don't know what would have happened. Maybe we survive. Maybe UAW kills us anyway. Its over and done with so i know there is no point in playing the coulda/shoulda/woulda game. That said, it still stings when i see this..........
Monday, October 6, 2008
"We Tried."
DAYTON, Oct. 3, 3:00 PM “IUE-CWA is deeply disappointed in General Motors’s
Refusal to keep the Moraine Assembly plant open. The announcement that the plant will
be closed much earlier than initially stated will further hurt our members, their families
and a Dayton community already rocked by plant closings and layoffs.
‘The IUE-CWA Division and the Local 798 negotiating committee worked closely
together to try to rescue this plant. We had a strong basis to start from given the high
quality and productivity of the workforce. Despite offers to do whatever it takes to save
Moraine. GM was determined to shut down the plant.
“We are finalizing a package that we believe will give our members in Moraine options to allow them to transition their lives after this devastating blow. The package, which negotiators have worked extremely hard to achieve, will include buyout, retirement and flow back opportunities. We are proud of what we have won, but realize nothing compensates for the end of a career.
“Rest assured that the IUE-CWA and the Local 798 leadership left no stone unturned in searching for a way to keep Moraine open. From outreach to elected officials to a range of innovative bargaining proposals, we fought to save this plant. I commend Local 798 President Gaylen Turner and his entire team for their commitment and leadership in a most difficult situation.
I know that we can count on the professionalism of our membership to see that the last truck out reflects the quality they are known for. We are saddened and angered by what has happened to our plant. I call on our members to express their outrage by voting in November for an Obama administration that will work to keep good manufacturing jobs in the United States instead of a continuation of the same trade policies and lax regulation that have destroyed our economy.
Jim Clark
IUE-CWA President
What stands out to me most in this response is the use of past tense by President Clark. "The IUE-CWA Division and the Local 798 negotiating committee WORKED closely together to try to rescue this plant." "We HAD a strong basis...." "....we FOUGHT to save this plant."
Perhaps i am just being picky, but ARENT there still dues paying members of this union active in this plant?? In fact, unless every single one of us takes the buyout, wont there STILL be dues paying members even after the plant closes on December 23? Am i wrong??? If i dont accept the buyout, i will still have to pay union dues while i collect subpay after the plant closes? If there are still people paying union dues, DOESN'T PRESIDENT JIM CLARK STILL OWE US REPRESENTATION???????
Why then isnt President Clark telling us that the IUE-CWA will continue to work to try to rescue this plant? Why isnt he stating that we STILL HAVE a strong basis to present GM in regards to reopening the plant once it closes? WHY ISNT HE SAYING THAT WE WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT TO SAVE THIS PLANT???
Look, i am not blind to what is going on here. I understand that our plant will close on December 23. I realize that it is GM's stance that they have no intention of putting a future product in Moraine. I will even acknowledge that our union did actually do everything they can to save the plant from closure....lets face it, IUE-CWA doesnt wanna lose our union dues anymore than we wanna lose our jobs.
However, i believe that our top union officials owe it to us to continue to fight for this plant for as long as there are members from this plant paying dues. Okay, so you left no stone unturned...turn them over again! Okay, you made innovative proposals....make more! Okay, you fought to save the plant...keep fighting! I dont care if Rick Wagoner himself told Jim Clark that the situation was irreversible....keep pestering him until he is sick of hearing about Moraine Assembly.
I just cant understand this garbage where Jim Clark decides the situation is hopeless and therefore he declares it a lost cause and moves on to other matters. I do understand that state and local government officials at some point have to shift their focus towards finding ways to reuse the plant. That makes sense because those government officials have a duty to serve the entire populus of the City of Moraine as well as the State of Ohio. However, Jim Clark has only an obligation to those of us who pay dues. The way i see it, that obligation continues for as long as there are dues paying members, even if it does seem like a pointless waste of time.
Humor us here, Jim.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Here's to You 798
Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.
*** The images shown in the video above were used courtesy of KimFatBastard(, and The video was created for my own personal and non-commercial use.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Equal Time
Mr. Marlow's comments are being posted in their entirety and completely unedited.
Whatever hysteria exists is inflamed by mystery, suspicion and secrecy. Hard and exact facts will cool it.
Elia Kazan
I cant help but notice that the boys over at have picked up on my idea to flood our International Union officials with phone calls demanding answers. However, it seems that they are only interested in answers regarding the election. Why aren't they instructing people to demand answers regarding why Harry Bogan is effectively now representing management by keeping secrets concerning our future from the dues paying membership???
Look, i believe that our local should conduct a "free, fair and equal" election as dictated by our constitution. However, the election is a secondary concern to me and, i believe, the rest of this membership. My primary concern is the secrecy taking place within our unions upper echelon and how that secrecy is affecting my ability to plan for the future.
Why is Harry Bogan keeping secrets from us? What is the status of negotiations? What exactly is being negotiated?? What/who is holding us back from reaching an agreement?? Will our sub pay be replenished?? Will there be a jobs bank? Will we have a REAL transfer opportunity and not just a transfer agreement that does nothing but put our names on a meaningless SEPO list?? Will there be a VEBA and if so, how will it be funded? Will there be another SAP and if so, what are the details??
These are the primary issues that affect each and every one of us. These are the things that must be answered in order for us to move forward with our lives. I would think that the folks over at would be aware of this and would be advising members to seek answers to ALL of the above issues and not JUST those regarding an election.
I have personally placed calls to Jim Clark and Harry Bogan demanding that they be transparent with us regarding the issues listed above. I will continue to place daily calls to these men until our concerns are answered.
I can not encourage you enough to do the same!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
In this article you will find Harry Bogan admitting that he has be informed of the exact closing date for our plant but apparently he is not at liberty to make it public. WHAT??????????????? Who EXACTLY DOES THIS CLOWN WORK FOR????
Let me get this straight....Harry Bogan, regional director for the International Union of Electronic Workers-Communication Workers of America, is in possession of information that is CRITICAL to the membership of this union. However, Harry Bogan has decided to keep this information from the dues paying membership. Harry Bogan has decided that keeping management secrets is more important than the well being of THIS UNION?!?!?
WE SIMPLY CAN NOT ALLOW THIS!!! I believe this is completely absurd and reinforces concerns we have had regarding whether the International is really acting in OUR BEST INTEREST. How long has Harry Bogan known the exact date of our plant closure?? What other secrets is Harry Bogan keeping from this membership???
WE DESERVE ANSWERS AND WE DESERVE THEM NOW!! This crap of keeping secrets until Management decides on a time frame that is in their best interest can not be tolerated.
We need to let Harry Bogan, Jim Clark and all the rest of those International clowns know that THEY WORK FOR US.
Below i have listed the phone numbers for our top IUE-CWA officers. It is my suggestion that we absolutely flood these officials with phone calls DEMANDING that they place our well being above the wishes of the Company that is eliminating our jobs. Perhaps these guys need a little reminder who exactly it is that they work for! It is obvious that our local leaders can not get information out of these International buffoons. It is up to us, the membership, to take action. Please take a few minutes out of your day to place a few calls and let these guys know what you think about them keeping secrets from us! I also encourage you to pass the word around the plant floor tomorrow so that we can get everyone involved in this.
It is obvious that our future has been decided, the least these clowns can do is allow us to go out with dignity instead of keeping vital information from us.
Lauren Asplen Assistant to the President Phone: 937-298-9984
Willie Thorpe Director of Member Benefits Phone: 937-294-7813
Harry Bogan Regional Director Phone: 937/294-1491
Bill Duncan Executive Council Member Phone: 937/244-5085 Ext. 16
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Random Thoughts
* I believe we will not have a new contract this week.
* I can't believe we are having ANOTHER union election this year.
* I think GM would love nothing more than to bankrupt its North American operations.
* I think Mr. Marlow is more interested in an International appointment than being our Shop Chairman.
* I think Mr. Marlow will still beat SC Harlow....easily.
* How many people have taken a buyout and succeeded in anything?
* I think all the talk about Transfer Rights is just a smoke screen to keep people distracted from real issues.
* Does anyone in the Dayton media really care that we are losing our jobs?
* I wish everyone would read The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey....its life changing.
* Does everyone REALLY think they are going to be a nurse?
* I have to admit, i am a little excited about starting fresh.
* I do not think GM will ever build another product in Dayton, even though it makes a lot of sense.
* For the first time in my life, i wont rule out test driving a Toyota.
* Considering my Father, Grandfather, 2 uncles and 3 Great uncles all retired from GM/Frigidaire/Delco/Delphi...i cant help but feel a little embarrassed that Moraine Assembly is closing during my tenure....even if it isn't my fault.
* I am not so sure I'd be feeling all that great about my health insurance in the hands of union if i was a retiree.
* I wonder if we will ever find out exactly when the decision was made to close our plant. Trust me, it wasn't June 3rd 2008.
* I remember when my Dad wouldn't allow a foreign car to park in his driveway.
* Voting for George W. Bush may be the most embarrassing thing i have ever done.
* I wonder if Toyota assembly plants have stupid motto's that they don't understand or care about like "One Driven Team, Building Customer Dreams.
* I think cutting edge product design is what actually builds customer enthusiasm.
* I think Quality should be expected, not something to get excited about.
* For some strange reason i don't feel like i wasted the last 14 years, even though i think i might have.
* Does anyone really still think we will be working next year?
* Rick Waggoner is a clown, but i think Jim Clark isn't much better.
* I wonder how many of my co-workers actually have a plan for when the plant closes.
* I think the next 60 days are going to be the longest of my life.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Upon Further Review
So what am i saying?????
What i am saying is that we as a membership are being played by our union officials once again, only this time it reaches past the local boys to the International level. Look, i understand that it is customary for the International boys to take the lead in national negotiations. That makes perfect sense. What strikes me as unusual, however, is the apparent complete lack of communication between International and local official. Shouldn't there be open sharing of information between fellow negotiators? shouldn't the LOCAL PRESIDENT have some say in the direction of the agreement?? Are International officials negotiating the best possible deal for LOCAL 798 or are they trying to get the best possible deal for IUE-CWA?????? To me, this is a very fair question! No offense to our fellow union brothers and sisters within the IUE-CWA, but i don't give a crap about them at this point! This negotiation should be about the retirees and workers within our Local. It should be directed towards meeting OUR needs as we approach and move beyond our plants closing. This seems fairly straightforward, however negotiations continue be held up by the International Officials who seem to be seeking to protect themselves and their desires more than their membership.
Please don't get me wrong here, i am not letting our local boys off the hook just yet. They are still woefully lacking in the area of competent leadership. They still continue to leave this membership uninformed. What they can't seem to grasp is that this membership deserves communication at the very least. Hey guys, if you don't know anything, stand up and tell us that you don't know anything! Furthermore, stop trying to protect the International officials. If they are holding up negotiations or if they are keeping you in the dark, TELL US THAT! What President Turner and SC Harlow have failed to grasp is that they are not the International's representatives to us....THEY ARE OUR REPRESENTATIVES TO THE INTERNATIONAL! Meaning, they work for us. They are to report our desires to International and then report the response back to us and vice versa. It really doesn't seem all that difficult.
Ok, sorry for the wide ranging commentary here. Please feel free to post comments below if you agree or disagree with me. My goal here is to start a much needed conversation before it is too late.
In the meantime, i think i will go watch TV.
A Brief Word From Mr. Jordan
Monday, September 15, 2008
Cops & Robbers
Other than that, the meeting itself was relatively uneventful. Some people said some things and then some other people said some other things. Questions were asked. Answers were given in the form of shrugs and "i dont knows". Yada Yada Yada. While DP&L works hard to restore electricity to the Miami Valley, members of IUE-CWA 798 continue to sit in the dark.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Union Meeting
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Slow Fade
Two days from now another light goes off here at Moraine Assembly. By midnight friday, another chapter in our history will be closed. Moraine Assembly will be down to just one operating shift, and the clock will be ticking louder than ever. By now, only the most optimistic among us believe that our plant can be saved. The rest of us hear the death knell tolling in the distance and we know it is getting closer by the minute. There are, however, still many questions. There are many uncertainties. There is anxiety and quite honestly there is fear. We need leadership. We need direction. We need answers. Desperately.
I encourage anyone and everyone to be at our union meeting this weekend. We have so little time remaining. If we are going to be heard, IT MUST BE NOW! We can not allow our union leaders to hide behind the cloak of "negotiations" any longer. We deserve the right to know EXACTLY what our options are so that we can plan our lives accordingly.
Another light is being turned off with each passing day. If we continue to be left in the dark we have only ourselves to blame. Its now or never.
Monday, September 8, 2008
GM Opens Virtual Toilet Stall
Have you ever found yourself at work reading up on the latest rumors and gossip written on the bathroom walls? How many times have you wished you had a pen handy so you could add your two cents to the "discussion"? Well good news union brothers and sisters!! General Motors has officially opened their own virtual toilet stall where we can post our questions from the comforts of our own home. This apparently will give GM executives something to read in the bathrooms of the Renaissance Center. GM will then post the questions and the corresponding answers on the web site listed below. No word on whether or not the executives will literally be sitting on the toilet when they answer the questions, however a load of crap is definitely expected.
Back to the future..Part II
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Back to the future
So this is it. So this is how it ends. This is how it all comes down. Fourteen years of service and and it all comes crashing down with little more than a pat on the back and a "sorry bout your luck". No advance warning. No "heads up" from plant management or union officials. For months we have been led to believe that no decision had been made about our future....and then suddenly it was made. Suddenly it was over. And this is it.
One of the most ridiculous and embarrassing aspects of todays announcement was the implication that these moves were part of a plan to return GM to profitability in North America. What a joke! Remember this is the same group that chose to spend HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of DOLLARS to basically rebuild the Saturn Spring Hill plant to produce the Chevy Traverse when they could have given the product to Moraine and spent merely pennies on the dollar to retool. Remember, these guys promised $200 Million to bail out American Axle....a company which GM does not own and has no controlling interest in. These guys piss away money in the hundreds of millions and yet somehow closing one of their most efficient plants is seen as a step towards profitability??
Lets take this one step further. During the recent layoff, several members of our local GM management team were sent to the Orion plant to help implement GMS procedures in the paint department. These management members were appalled at what they found. One said that walking into the Orion paint department was like going back in time 15 years! As a point of reference for those of you not familiar with the paint department.....Moraine Assembly's seal line operates with 14 production employees while the seal line at Orion requires 63 operators. SIXTY THREE!!!! Sixty three operators to seal up a mid size car while we do the same thing with 14 people on a much bigger vehicle? And yet Orion is being rewarded with a 3rd shift and future production and Moraine is being closed to "increase profitability in North America". Are you kidding me??????
Does GM really have any interest in becoming profitable in North America? Or have they simply written off America as a loss while they focus on moving their operations out of the country?
One word comes to mind...impotent. This is how defines the word impotent....
1. not potent; lacking power or ability
2. utterly unable (to do something)
3. without force or effectiveness
4. Obsolete.
To be fair, i believe that our current officials gave it a legitimate shot but they were playing out a hand that was dealt years ago. That being said, this union has historically been tricked, fooled and or out smarted by management time and time again. If they wanted us to jump, we jumped. If they wanted us to beg, we begged. All without ever firmly securing the one thing that we so desperately needed....a product. Even the current union team fell victim to this as we waited...and waited...and waited...and yet STILL WAIT for the illusive VEBA to be worked out by upper management and international union officials. Guess what guys, obviously we cant have a VEBA if we don't have any employees to fund it. It is perfectly clear now that GM never had any intention of funding or setting up a VEBA. They were merely dragging their feet while CEO Waggoner put the finishing touches on his grand plan. Meanwhile, what did our International Union boys do?? They followed along. Impotent as always.
So now what do we do? There will be no VEBA. Do we have a contract of any sort? We have been told that everything else was agreed upon, but that was before the plant was written off as closed. Do we have anything now??? Where do we stand?? Where we stand now is where we have always stood. Unorganized and uninformed....even as we stare down the last days of our plants existence. What a shame that such a historically strong and innovative union has been reduced to its current impotent form. Sad isn't it.
My first visit to this site. My compliments. I can't help but whole heartedly agree that there are a many more important issues facing our members other than this election. But to be fair, when you lose your right to vote for your leadership -- you're done. Everybody knows that our current leadership is not negotiating in the members' best interest. Far from it. And, after last Friday, it appears that Harry Bogan is not either. To have the audacity to declare to the media 'he has knowledge of a closing date but cannot share it at this time' is a disgrace for a so-called union leader. When our members are facing the loss of their jobs, possibly their homes and even their entire way of life, his actions are incredibly insensitive. While our members are wondering where their next check will come from, Mr. Bogan is drawing two paychecks -- one as a retiree from GM and the other from our union dues as an employee of the IUE. The last time I checked Jim Clark runs this union. And it's time he gets a handle on Harry Bogan. Enough said on that subject. For the individual who suggested that I, Jim Marlow, am more interested in getting elected than the members' needs...that could not be further from the truth. As a matter of fact, I spend hours on the phone every night after I get home from work trying to help members with their problems and many times I am successful. These are problems our elected leaders should be handling, but are too busy taking care of number one. In fact, one of the first arguments I had with John Harlow was over my helping fellow members with their problems. John pointed out I was out of line and over-stepping my boundaries! As far as the election goes, I humbly accepted the opportunity to run on this ticket. I knew two things: 1)the current leadership was in way over their heads and 2) I have the experience to do the job. There are no personal gains in this for me. Thanks to all for visiting our website: It's our first effort at constructing a website; we're trying to make it informative and user-friendly. Hope you enjoy some of the old pictures/slide shows. Thanks for the opportunity to vent.
September 29, 2008 9:10 PM