Monday, September 29, 2008
Equal Time
Mr. Marlow's comments are being posted in their entirety and completely unedited.
I just wanted to say thanks to Jim Marlow for shaking my hand and wishing me luck. He was the only person besides management at gate five that did.
Tom - September 30, 2008 at 3:48 PM
Ok so you say you have no personal gain from running. You have been handling the problems the current leaders should be handling? Have those you've been helping gone to our current leadership for help? Every time I have approached them they have helped!! Maybe you could help more by educating the membership. You have stated you have connections with the international. Where are the weekly handbills from you sharing what you know? All this help right before the elections coincidence? Where was this help before? I will not continue to fight you but rather see if we can work together for the benefit of the entire membership. I feel you need to concentrate on what can be done for the members. I believe this blogger has given a view that is felt by the majority of the membership. That includes the view of your bid for a position. I plan to continue to fight even after the doors have closed I hope that you will join me in this fight.
- September 30, 2008 at 3:51 PM
I called the current leadership for help when we were laid off and they never returned my phone calls. The people I did get a hold of could not even tell me where the one stop transition center was when I took the buy out. I called Jim Marlow and he made some calls and got back with me and told me it was on Dryden Road. Chad you must be one of Johns good friends.
- September 30, 2008 at 7:48 PM
What is wrong with these union positions? Once the candidates get elected they become management, all the way back to poff, except the one that quit. Every time someone gets elected we the people lose more and more.
- September 30, 2008 at 9:27 PM
When ever I needed anything Jim Marlow was there to help. I walked out of the plant last Friday with out any idea what I was going to do. I got the same old story about a buyout. It is coming but no one knows when. I am waiting on a call from Mr. Marlow not my Chairmen. I am sure I will get the info from him first. JIm saved my job in Tooling about 2 years ago with a plan to use tooling to make all of our spare parts for the plant. The plan worked great, I was able to keep my job for another two years. I will never forget that. Jim had nothing to gain by helping the Toolmakers. If anyone thinks he is not there to help others, they are dead wrong.
- October 1, 2008 at 8:18 AM
Chad who? Fighting tooth and nail to save Union jobs, injustice, and identity for nearly 10 years, it's odd that I don't remember any CHAD. However, Jim Marlow was there and he still IS. Also, Jim was a great asset to the apprentice program. It's Jim's nature to help. One more thing - hey, Chad, did you go to Vegas with the rest of the current union so called leadership? You know the Vegas trip back in June, when Gaylen All Rise Turner was invited to attend a banquet/dinner with Ted Strickland? By the way, he chose Vegas. Sure they're trying to help - help themselves. John Harlow and his ticket flat out lied to this membership to get elected last year, so yea, I'd say he's grasping for every straw he can to get elected again.
- October 1, 2008 at 11:17 AM
When Gm closed the Norwood and Fairfield plants The IUE took the transferees in at Moraine with open arms. Now we have to compete with people off the street to get a job at another GM plant. Something is wrong with this picture. Why would our leaders even consider this? What do they have to gain? Some of us has only one option and that is to transfer.
- October 1, 2008 at 12:36 PM
- Chad Craft said...
Chad Craft and Tom you want that information you will get it October 18th. I got that from Harry Bogan myself. I called him left a message and he returned my call. Also, no I did not go to vegas. I believe the current leadership's biggest problem has been lack of communication. I have confronted them with this directly. I am on no side and don't play politics. I have learned long ago that we must seek the information on our own if we want answers. I have done much to help many members in the plant. I have never held and position in the union other than dues paying member. I help for no personal gain period.
- October 1, 2008 at 2:37 PM
Information just come to me today is very upset with Harry Bogan and Gary McGuire because our guys didn't think they had enough input in negotiations. Ha Ha who asked the fox to come into the henhouse. I also just found out that the SEPO Language just changed I hope no one is holding their breath to take a transfer and you will be getting more details Friday. It will make you sick.
- October 1, 2008 at 7:02 PM
I am already sick. Usually it's not changed until after the vote.
- October 1, 2008 at 10:33 PM
all we have to do is simply vote no for the contract...if you dont stand up now you never will !!!
- October 2, 2008 at 6:42 AM
Meeting set for Oct. 18. Do we have a tentative? Is it the same one that we had in March?
- October 2, 2008 at 11:24 AM
Do you really think you will get to vote? No way. All you are going to get is a closing agreement. No National Agreement. You get what they shove down your throat. They are just renting out the Convention center because it is harder for people to get to them and they can get away faster.
- October 2, 2008 at 9:43 PM
There will be a vote. It will be presented at the convention center for your consideration after you had time to digest vote on in the plant or at the hall if your laid off.
- October 2, 2008 at 10:42 PM
My first visit to this site. My compliments. I can't help but whole heartedly agree that there are a many more important issues facing our members other than this election. But to be fair, when you lose your right to vote for your leadership -- you're done. Everybody knows that our current leadership is not negotiating in the members' best interest. Far from it. And, after last Friday, it appears that Harry Bogan is not either. To have the audacity to declare to the media 'he has knowledge of a closing date but cannot share it at this time' is a disgrace for a so-called union leader. When our members are facing the loss of their jobs, possibly their homes and even their entire way of life, his actions are incredibly insensitive. While our members are wondering where their next check will come from, Mr. Bogan is drawing two paychecks -- one as a retiree from GM and the other from our union dues as an employee of the IUE. The last time I checked Jim Clark runs this union. And it's time he gets a handle on Harry Bogan. Enough said on that subject. For the individual who suggested that I, Jim Marlow, am more interested in getting elected than the members' needs...that could not be further from the truth. As a matter of fact, I spend hours on the phone every night after I get home from work trying to help members with their problems and many times I am successful. These are problems our elected leaders should be handling, but are too busy taking care of number one. In fact, one of the first arguments I had with John Harlow was over my helping fellow members with their problems. John pointed out I was out of line and over-stepping my boundaries! As far as the election goes, I humbly accepted the opportunity to run on this ticket. I knew two things: 1)the current leadership was in way over their heads and 2) I have the experience to do the job. There are no personal gains in this for me. Thanks to all for visiting our website: It's our first effort at constructing a website; we're trying to make it informative and user-friendly. Hope you enjoy some of the old pictures/slide shows. Thanks for the opportunity to vent.
September 29, 2008 9:10 PM