Sunday, September 28, 2008


In case you missed it, here is the link to the recent Dayton Daily News article concerning our plants future.

In this article you will find Harry Bogan admitting that he has be informed of the exact closing date for our plant but apparently he is not at liberty to make it public. WHAT??????????????? Who EXACTLY DOES THIS CLOWN WORK FOR????

Let me get this straight....Harry Bogan, regional director for the International Union of Electronic Workers-Communication Workers of America, is in possession of information that is CRITICAL to the membership of this union. However, Harry Bogan has decided to keep this information from the dues paying membership. Harry Bogan has decided that keeping management secrets is more important than the well being of THIS UNION?!?!?

WE SIMPLY CAN NOT ALLOW THIS!!! I believe this is completely absurd and reinforces concerns we have had regarding whether the International is really acting in OUR BEST INTEREST. How long has Harry Bogan known the exact date of our plant closure?? What other secrets is Harry Bogan keeping from this membership???

WE DESERVE ANSWERS AND WE DESERVE THEM NOW!! This crap of keeping secrets until Management decides on a time frame that is in their best interest can not be tolerated.

We need to let Harry Bogan, Jim Clark and all the rest of those International clowns know that THEY WORK FOR US.

Below i have listed the phone numbers for our top IUE-CWA officers. It is my suggestion that we absolutely flood these officials with phone calls DEMANDING that they place our well being above the wishes of the Company that is eliminating our jobs. Perhaps these guys need a little reminder who exactly it is that they work for! It is obvious that our local leaders can not get information out of these International buffoons. It is up to us, the membership, to take action. Please take a few minutes out of your day to place a few calls and let these guys know what you think about them keeping secrets from us! I also encourage you to pass the word around the plant floor tomorrow so that we can get everyone involved in this.

It is obvious that our future has been decided, the least these clowns can do is allow us to go out with dignity instead of keeping vital information from us.


Jim Clark President Phone: 937-294-9764

Lauren Asplen Assistant to the President Phone: 937-298-9984

Willie Thorpe Director of Member Benefits Phone: 937-294-7813

Harry Bogan Regional Director Phone: 937/294-1491

Bill Duncan Executive Council Member Phone: 937/244-5085 Ext. 16


Anonymous said...

I was told this afternoon by someone who is VERY HIGH UP that A Warren Letter STILL HAS NOT BEEN ISSUED. What that means is that Harry Bogan is playing a very cruel selfish game by pretending that he has a closing date to throw this Local into utter panic and he has NO SUCH LETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are all playing horrible games with our minds, our lives and our emotional well being. We may never be able to prove it or fix it but you can damn sure bet that somehow, somewhere down the line, JUSTICE will be served and they will get theirs!!!!! said...

Actually it is quite a bit worse than that. It is clear that a WARN letter has not been issued to the state, but that does not mean that Harry Bogan does not know the date of our closing. That just simply means that GM has not notified the State....once the State is notified via a WARN letter, the information will be made public. Until that time, Harry Bogan has chosen to keep his own membership in the dark in order to cater to GM wishes.

Anonymous said...

I just heard that an employee with 99 seniority is still working in the plant. What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

I do not beleive it is time to point fingers at anybody its reality future and current work is gone.
Nobody is at blame, people stick together show people who are not union what it is to have solidarity from rank and file.
The raod will be tough but so are you dont destroy what all of you had built.People in your leadership are with you they are currently in your shoes as well.
I do not work with you I too am a proud union member in the Dayton area supporting and hoping for the best of all of you in Moraine.
I have witness people claim to be the best to get elected by destroying others in people are seeking revenges for they beleive they can do better I am here to tell you President of the USA himself would have a tough time in this matter considering gas prices are up and manufacturing is going to cheaper countries. Where are those people who have a heart of JFK and a voice like RFK is there anybody who relates to us anymore?

Anonymous said...

Gas prices are not the reason GM has decided to close Moraine. The only reason we are closing is that GM found us expendable in order to gain 5 billion in savings via the UAW Veba.

Anonymous said...

How would our people feel about the UAW taking over our plant and building the Chevy Orlando? How would you feel about us not being able to stay in our own plant and build it? How would you feel about standing in line behind the UAW to get a job at Moraine Assembly and being the low man on the totem pole that is if you were lucky enough to get a job?

Anonymous said...

Well anon, I don't have a job now so I would feel lucky at a chance to get a job. If I get to transfer I will be low man again. Hell, I have been on the bottom for 8 years.

Anonymous said...

if anybody thinks were running ever again after november wake up from your dreams.

Anonymous said...

I hear there could be some people in appointed position with low seniority that will not be affected by the layoff?
False. This administration will not use protected International Appointments to keep anyone active that their seniority would not otherwise hold 1 shift, currently 3 appointed personel, Larry Harlow Quality Network, Donita Hudson in Human Resource and Gus Donaldson/ Mod Group Advisor are below the 5/18 seniority.
This is on the IUE 798 Rumor Control Page but they seem to forgot a few people imagine that.
Brenda Colins, EAP 7/26/99
Dana Davidson, Peer Cent. 4/16/97
Loria Reherman, Advisor 4/24/96
They are still in the plant.

Anonymous said...

Bogan is not the only one keeping secrets.

Anonymous said...

Donita Hudson is on maternity leave for all you know everything peeps! Also the other lower seniority members are being laid of in another week. They are still working to give the people being laid off the opportunity to seek info from the peer to peer center!!

Anonymous said...

Is that how they help people by getting them discharged. That is not what a union is suppose to be about.

Anonymous said...

Wow, so it seems ok to you that a UNION can allow a person (running to be a LEADER) can threaten to shoot 3 people between the eyes? He got himself fired quit blamming and see the real picture. Jim has always tried to intimadate people, This time it caught up with him.
I hope he can retire and live a happy life!

Anonymous said...

It was Jims word against three of Johns appointed Reps. I do not believe your story is correct. Back in the day we would never try to get a Union Brother or Sister fired. You can go to the and also see where they also filed charges against them over a handbill. I do not see any of them filing charges against the other slate. It seems like a set up.